#!/usr/bin/perl use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; open(LATEST, "header_cover.txt"); @bnr_all = ; close(LATEST); print "@bnr_all\n"; exit;

Child Support Officer Cover Letter

A child support officer cover letter is used at the time of applying for the post of an officer who can look into the legal matters in this field like timely payment of dues, maintaining proper records, assisting the parties in taking legal action against defaulter, etc.

The child support laws differ from state to state in the US as these states are allowed to manage their own Child Support Offices. With this regard, the jurisdiction and legality differs geographically. The Child Support agencies come under the purview of the Administration for Children and Families. This office looks into the continued payments by the legally obligated party for the financial care (food and education) of their kin. There are no fixed parameters directing that only a father should pay. The mothers are equally obligated if the court decides so. Moreover, in a joint custody of their child, a father/ mother will have to pay for the kid's education directly to the other party on monthly basis or as decided by the court.

Many a times, there may be lapses or other discrepancies in this arrangement and so a child support officer comes into picture to ensure that the legal bindings of the agreement are preserved and followed.

1. Cover Letter Sample (Experienced)

Rebecca Gordon
Child Support Network Inc., Michigan
8-Dublin Rd
Auburn Hills, MI 48326
United States
(248) 654-0956

George Collins, Head
Child Support Enforcement Centre
12 Goldberg Avenue,
United States

Subject- Application for the post of Child Support Officer

Dear Mr. Collins,

I am a Child Support Officer currently employed with Child Support Network Inc., Michigan. I have been working for the Child Support Enforcement Council (CSEC) since last 10 years. I recently came across your job posting on www.csecnetwork.org for the post of a child support officer. I would like to apply for this job with your agency.

I am a student of Arts from the University of Iowa. An orphan myself, I have been adopted and raised by my foster parents and so I can, in a manner, relate with the plight of children who no longer live with both their parents under one roof. Falling apart of a marriage has its worst consequences on a child's psychology and this is the time when one should take great care of the kid. As California is one the states with the highest number of divorce and alimony cases, the child support agencies have to work round-the-clock to ensure a child gets what he/ she deserves- undisrupted education, food and bed. It is for this reason that I want to shift my base to California and join your agency so that I can contribute my bit to the work.

I am attaching my detailed resume with all my previous work experience. Hope to get in touch with you again very soon.

Thanking you,

Yours Sincerely,

Rebecca Gordon
Child Support Network Inc., Michigan


2. Cover Letter Sample (for Freshers)

Henry Fox
4/12 Ballard Street
Barton, United States

George Collins, Head
Child Support Enforcement Centre
12 Goldberg Avenue,
United States

Subject- Application for the post of Assistant Child Support Officer

Dear Mr. Collins,

I want to join the Child Support Services and dedicate my time to the welfare of children. I have come across your job posting on www.csecnetwork.org for the post of an assistant child support officer. I would like to apply for this job with your agency.

I have recently completed my 1 month' training in child support, a program organized by the Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE). Apart from that, I am a graduate in sociology from the Michigan State University.

In the past I have worked with various NGOs dedicated towards orphans and providing them with basic support.

I am sending in my resume along with this cover letter and hope to get a call from your agency soon. This will mean a lot to me.

Thanking you,

Yours Sincerely,

Henry Fox

Enclosure: Resume


It will be helpful if you can support your decision of applying for child Support services job with a convincing reason. You can add relevant information in the body. As like child support; social worker for school is also a sub-related and similar work, for that one may use this resume sample along with provided cover letter.