Conventions, whether formal or informal, need effective management for them to be successful. A convention manager is designated with the responsibilities for comprehensive management of the events. Conventions are a major source of revenue for many hotels, and other relevant businesses such as catering, event management, marriage ceremonies, and even funeral organizers. All kinds of social or business gatherings, can be called as a convention, and require services of a convention manager. While drafting a cover letter, candidates must analyze the desired job profile and the organization portfolio, to ensure their effectiveness in promoting the candidature. A should not only provide a befitting introduction to your job application, but be able to promote the candidature such that employers are provoked to review the candidate profile, and call him for the interview.
Cover letter examples provided below, can be referred for selecting the layout, and to get a brief idea on cover letter composition.
Cover Letter Example
(For experienced candidates with reference)
Sophie J. Vazquez
1960 Sycamore Fork Road
Pompano Beach
Florida - 33064
United States
Tel: (954) 214 7117
Date: January 20, 2014
Gordon D. Ahlstrom
Food and Beverage Manager
Carlton Hotel
4992 Grove Street
New York - 11935
United States
Tel: (631) 734 4768
Reference: Mr. Oliver Vegas, Food and Beverage Director, Green Olive Restaurants, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Dear Mr. Ahlstrom,
In response to your tele-conversation with Mr. Vegas, and subsequent mail sent to me, I would like to express my interest for the opening of Convention Manager with your esteemed hotel; and would like to present my candidature for the same. I have enclosed my resume and copy of the mail sent, for your perusal.
As you know I have been working in the hospitality industry for the past 8 years, I would like to get your attention to my skill-sets, which deem me suitable for the job profile, and would be helpful in meeting organizational goals.
I have worked with different types of convention facilities, either run by hotels or stand alone, and have managed conventions of sizes ranging from 0 - 1500 guests. I have even successfully managed 2 presidential banquets for delegation of 25 VVIP individuals. My comprehensive knowledge of different cuisines with expertise in French and Mediterranean, along with wine combinations, has helped me to plan some of the much appreciated menus by the visitors. I am also enclosing copies of some unique seating styles used by me for different conventions, which were liked by clients and industry professionals.
I would appreciate, if given an opportunity to meet you in person, so that we can discuss the job, and find the best of ways by which my skill-sets could be brought to effective use, and help achieve the organizational goals.
Thanking you for your time and consideration.
Sophie J. Vazquez
Encls: Resume, copy of mail, convention seating layouts
Cover Letter Example
(For candidates without reference)
Thomas M. Callahan
2465 Ritter Avenue
Michigan - 48034
(734) 462 5300
January 20, 2014
Joseph S. Singleton
Silver Palace Convention Center
1858 Lee Avenue
New Jersey - 08102
Dear Mr. Singleton,
As per your advertisement in the daily paper 'Morning News' dated January 20, 2014 for the opening of the Convention Manager; I am interested in the opportunity provided, and would like to present my candidature for the same. I have enclosed my resume for your review and consideration.
After going through the required job profile, I found my skill-sets compatible, and I am sure I would be able to meet your job requirements satisfactorily. I have 6 years of experience, working in convention facilities, and have managed conventions to the size of 1000 covers. My comprehensive knowledge of different cuisines, and food and wine combinations, would certainly be helpful in planning appealing menus for clients, and even promote the center. Imbibed by experience, I have gained expertise over convention seating styles, making optimal use of the available spaces. I am sure my skills-sets and unique concepts, would help your convention center create a niche market, and maximize the revenue.
I would request you for an opportunity to meet in person, and discuss the job requirements.
In anticipation of a favorable reply.
Thomas M. Callahan
Enclosure: Resume
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