Cellar Technician Careers |
Work Environment:
Cellar technicians set up, support and manage drinks-dispense-systems within permitted sites, for example: hotels, pubs, restaurants, clubs and also places in which drinks are provided.
Being a cellar technician, you'll put in different dispense-systems, counting:
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Your tasks would contain:
Qualification, Education and Experience:
You might not necessitate qualifications or experience to initiate as an apprentice cellar technician; yet, several employers or companies might desire you to enclose one from the given below:
Training Details:
Generally, you'll get a few practical training at the work site and you might be motivated to acquire NCFE exam-boards and EDI accepted course in handling and moving, and training-course into hazard-awareness like RSPH approved course in hazard-awareness.
You can also obtain qualifications or certificate provided by the BII: British-Institute of Innkeeping, for example the second-level National-Certificate into 'Cellar-Service, Installation and Maintenance' and Award into 'Beer and Cellar-Quality'.
Skills and knowledge:
Salary and Other Benefits:
Working Conditions:
Normally, you'll effort weekly for forty hours; even in busy schedule you might have opportunity to work on overtime basis. You might have to work on Rota scheme replying to emergency-calls, while you are working with several companies or employers.
In general, you'll be working at depot and go to client's site to fit dispensing-systems. While you are at the location, you'll work in the stock-rooms of pubs and bars and cellars, which might be cramped and cold. You might be required to bring bulky machineries and carrying out your work in uncomfortable pose while as wiring and fixing pipelines.
Different Opportunities:
You'll get mainly employment-opportunities with soft-drinks producers, manufacturers of drinks-dispense-machines, breweries, and companies who supply services to breweries-firms.
By experience, you can advance to administrator or supervisor, or enter in the field of sales.
Vacancies are publicized in the regional media and newspapers, and on websites like The Morning-Advertiser, and by commercial publications for-example 'Caterer and Hotelkeeper'.
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All through your profession, you'll comply with the safety and health regulations.
If you contain any experience like into brewing-business, electrical or engineering occupation, it might prove to be beneficial for you. Any experience in this field would be helpful since this can provide an opportunity to accomplish a training course in cellar-management, like the course which is acknowledged by the Cask-Marque-Trust.