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Accommodation Warden Career Guide

Accommodation Warden Career

Resume Sample » Career Guide » General and Personal Services Careers » Accommodation Warden Career


Accommodation wardens otherwise residential wardens handle the routine administration of services for example sheltered accommodation, rehabilitation centers, youth-hostels and student's residence. This post frequently occupies caring equally the construction plus its residents.

Since an accommodation warden your responsibilities might consist of:

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Your job would differ in accordance with the kind of accommodation as well as the requirements of the populace residing there.

In sheltered or else supported housing otherwise particularly adapted accommodation, residents might contain homeless citizens, elder people or else individuals with several level of bodily disability. Within these sets your job would contain assembling actions to interest and inspire the residents, like lunch clubs, bingo moreover guest speakers.

Into a young/youth hostel setting, you'd offer details on walks and tourist attractions.


Several employers may possibly choose you to contain GCSE's, even though your individual behavior and 'people-skills' are generally measured additionally essential.

You might be at a benefit if you've knowledge (salaried otherwise voluntary) of functioning with vulnerable sets, as well as credentials like NVQ: levels 2 and 3 into Health and Social Care. Experience within a care situation could be necessary if, for e.g., you desire to effort being a warden through aged people.

An excellent means to get ready for operating among the (YHA) Youth-Hostel Association can be like a voluntary warden. Verify the YHA site for openings.

To effort with various groups, like children, you'll require Criminal-Records Bureau authorization.


You would generally obtain on-job guidance by your employer that could be united with functioning headed for qualifications applicable to the sort of accommodation you carry.

Being a warden in protected or supported accommodation you'd frequently concentrate on short-courses within subjects for e.g. hygiene, health and safety, moving as well as handling, and first-aid. You might even acquire qualifications like:

Through the (YHA) Youth-Hostel Association, you'd frequently start like an assistant moreover effort towards NVQ: levels - 2 or 3 within Customer-Service. You could be competent to growth to higher assistant plus with experience, you can pertain in support of hostel manager positions and labor in the direction of NVQ: Level - 4 into Management.

Any kind of accommodation you establish, you might obtain credentials obtainable by the (CIH) Chartered-Institution of Housing. These series since a Level - 2 Certification within Housing to a Level - 4 Diplomacy into Housing, with alternatives into supported housing and learner/student accommodation. NVQ (levels 2, 3 and 4) in Housing may as well provide you identification for your skillfulness.


SALARY AND OTHER BENEFITS: Various occupations moreover catch the attention of rent free accommodation. Extra payments could be made on behalf of shift-work along with overtime.


You'd normally effort 37 hrs in a week from Monday till Friday. Few jobs might engage functioning week-ends otherwise offering a 24 hr on-call service.

In sheltered or supported accommodation, you may necessitate to travel among locations or else reside on site.


You're expected to get the majority employments with local-authorities. Additional employers consist of private companies, accommodation associations, voluntary as well as charitable organizations and learning institutions.

Through experience, you can shift into accommodation management, having accountability for numerous centers/hubs and curators or wardens. You can even enter housing or else block managing. By means of applicable education/qualification, you may perhaps even join correlated fields like social worker otherwise counseling.

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