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Chemical Engineering Technician Careers

Chemical Engineering Technician Careers

Resume Sample » Career Guide » Maintenance, Service and Repair Careers » Chemical Engineering Technician Careers


A chemical or process engineering technician work with the chemical engineers on the manufacture, research and development of the products which includes:

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Chemical Engineer can be engaged in the areas which comprise of plant operation and maintenance, research and development, construction and design of chemical processing plants etc.

Your duties and responsibilities (depending on part of plant you are proficient with) will include:

If you are having experience you can work as a supervising chemical plant process worker or a shift manager.


If you want to become a chemical engineer you should follow these ways:

The apprenticeship available will depend on the skills which employer expects from the workers and the local job market.

Applicable college courses include:

Processing and Material Technology

If you are working as a process operative, you can elevate as a technician by learning the above qualification or through National Vocational Qualifications sketch out in the training and development sector.

Check out the website of Institution of Engineering and Technology and Institution of Chemical Engineers for more details of chemical engineering.

Make a contact with the Cogent for careers in polymers, energy and petroleum sectors in chemical industry.


Your on-the-job training will generally include health and safety practices and opportunity to obtain a relevant National Vocational Qualification (NVQ). Opportunities include:

Level 3 NVQ can help you to improve your career prospects by submitting an application for registration of Engineering Technician status. For more details check the website of Engineering Council.

You can also be certified as a chemical engineer, by taking a institution degree, HND/ HNC, or a chemical engineering, applied chemistry or engineering technology degree. You can find out the details of recognized courses on the website of Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) and Institution of Chemical Engineers.




Your working hours will depend on where you work. In case of research and development you may have to work for 8 hours from Monday to Friday, with irregular overtime. In case of manufacturing or processing you may work in shift system which includes weekends, nights, evenings etc.

You can be based in office or process plant or laboratory. In oil exploration or minerals processing industries you may be based on contract basis in isolated parts of the world.


You can get the work in variety of industries which includes chemical production, energy, food, medical, and utilities like gas and water.

With the experience you can turn out to be a shift supervisor, finally moving into production or maintenance management. Other opportunities include materials design and development, sales and marketing, quality control etc. #!/usr/bin/perl use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; open(LATEST, "footer_career.txt"); @bnr_all = ; close(LATEST); print "@bnr_all\n"; exit;