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Education Technician Careers

Education Technician Careers

Resume Sample » Career Guide » Maintenance, Service and Repair Careers » Education Technician Careers


Education technician are employed in the universities, colleges and schools. They hold up IT, science, design and technology teachers in planning of materials and equipment and serving in practical training.

Your duties as and Education Technician will include:

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Your actual duties and responsibilities will differ on where you work. In the primary school or in secondary education you may be concerned with organizing basic experiments. You can help with advance work in universities and colleges.


Employer desires to have GCSEs (A-C) or other equivalent qualification in Mathematics, English and Science. It is becoming ordinary for technician to have higher qualification; therefore you require 'A' levels or BTECH, HNC/HND, or degree in science or technology subjects.

It will be helpful if you have scientific techniques experience or making use of Information Technology in a technical setting.

You will require clearance from Criminal Records Bureau as you will work with the young people and children.

You can enter this job though apprenticeship scheme. The apprentice range available will depend on the skills the employer desires and local job market.


If you are working as a educational technician, you can complete National Vocational Qualification Levels i.e. from 1 to 4 in Laboratory and Associated Technical Activities.

The National Vocational Qualification matches up with the career structure recommended by Association for Science Education (ASE) for science technician which recognizes these technicians' levels:

You can check your skills and identify your training needs on British Educational and Technology Agency website i.e. BECTA with self assessment tools.

Training and experience you can complete includes:

Check the website of IST for further information.

You can remain present at the Science Learning Centers for attending courses across England. The national center at University of York offers the residential courses. Visit the website of Science Learning Center for more details.




If you are permanent you will generally work for 7 hours every day. But, many jobs are part-time. You may probably work in term-time.

You will be spending most of your time in the laboratory, IT classrooms in universities, colleges and schools. You can work individually or with the small teams

You may need to move equipment between diverse floors or between sites.


You will get job in universities, schools and colleges.

With the help of experience you will make a progress to the senior technician or the laboratory manager position. #!/usr/bin/perl use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; open(LATEST, "footer_career.txt"); @bnr_all = ; close(LATEST); print "@bnr_all\n"; exit;