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Electricity Distribution Worker Careers

Electricity Distribution Worker Careers

Resume Sample » Career Guide » Maintenance, Service and Repair Careers » Electricity Distribution Worker Careers


As an electricity distribution worker, you will look after the network that supplies electricity from power stations to homes, business and industries.

You will work in following three areas of electricity transmission:

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Any area you worked in, your duties will normally include:


Qualification is not necessary in electricity distribution, but you will require a good standard of general education and you might get some benefit with some GCSEs or similar. You have to check the entry requirement with the individual employers.

Though, you may get into this type of work through apprenticeship scheme. The employer might ask for at least 4 GCSEs (A-C) for this, which include English, Mathematics and other subjects like engineering, science, design and technology.

The apprenticeship range available in your area will depend on the types of skills the employers require and local job market. Find more about Apprenticeships, on electrician career guidance.

If you are joining industry without Apprenticeship, you will find it helpful to have previous experience or qualification in electrical engineering and maintenance.


You will be given training by your employer, during a combination of learning on the job and taking some courses at the training center. The training will basically include the chance to obtain the following work based National

Vocational Qualifications (NVQ):

For information about the training providers you can check the Energy and Utility Skills website.

You should take small courses in the subjects like high voltage safety during a training company like AFAQ-ETA- check the website for more details

Most of the employers will need you to register in a suitable safety passport scheme to explain that you have the knowledge and safety alertness to work on site. Applicable safety passport scheme for electrical energy distribution comprise:

Check the CSCS websites and Energy and Utility Skills Register for more details.




You have to work for more than 38 hours every week which also includes shifts. Overtime might be necessary. Conditions may differ. More work takes place outside, in every weather conditions. Overhead lines work is a height, by making use of safety access equipment.


You can work for national transmission companies like National Grid or regional allocation company. Prospects are superior for qualified workers. For instance, there is presently a scarcity of qualified overhead transmission workers.

Local press, employers own websites or Job center plus make advertisements of jobs.

If you are having experience you can make a progress as a team leader or decide to study more and become an electrical engineer.

You can also refer sample of automotive specialty technician resume and sample of light technician resume for excelling in your interested career. #!/usr/bin/perl use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; open(LATEST, "footer_career.txt"); @bnr_all = ; close(LATEST); print "@bnr_all\n"; exit;