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Electronics Engineer Careers

Electronics Engineer Careers

Resume Sample » Career Guide » Maintenance, Service and Repair Careers » Electronics Engineer Careers


Electronics engineer develop, research and design electronic equipment and components in variety of industries, for instance:

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Your duties and responsibilities as an electronics engineer will include:

You will work together with the team of technicians, IT Staff and engineers on a projects.


You will require the BTEC HNC/ BTEC HND Electrical and Electronic Engineering for becoming an electronics engineer. The employer might acknowledge the associated subject areas if they are covering electronics on the course like:

The details of the United Kingdom Colleges and Universities which are offering these courses are available on the website of Institution of Engineering and Technology.

Check the aroj website for more details of Electronic Engineering.

The Engineering Training Council of Northern Ireland will provide you with the information for colleges in that area.

Check the Institute of Nanotechnology and British Computer Society for more details.


You will be trained on the job from the employer. With the appropriate degree, you might join the company's graduate apprenticeship scheme.

You are expected to remain up-to-date with your knowledge and skills throughout your career with the help of continuing professional development (CPD) training. See the website of "The Institute of Engineering and Technology" for further details on professional registration, short term courses and workshop, CPD options.

You can develop your career by working towards chartered or incorporated status. For doing this you have to register with your relevant industry.

As an incorporated engineer, you will dedicate yourself to everyday management of engineering operations. At the chartered level, you will play more tactical role, researching, planning and developing latest ideas, reshuffling management techniques.




You will basically work for 38 to 40 hours every week but your actual working hours will be based on the deadlines of project

Your work will basically take place in laboratories or offices. Intermittently, you might work on site in workshop, factories and outdoors.


You will get job opportunities in the variety of industries like telecommunication, manufacturing, aerospace etc.

You can become an expert in research and development, project management or consultancy with the help of experience.

You may also get the job overseas, through an agreement between numerous countries that recognize each other's qualifications of engineering. Signatories comprise of New Zealand, United States, Australia, Ireland, Canada and South Africa. Check out the website of International Engineering Alliance for more information. #!/usr/bin/perl use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; open(LATEST, "footer_career.txt"); @bnr_all = ; close(LATEST); print "@bnr_all\n"; exit;