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Motor Vehicle Body Repairer Careers

Motor Vehicle Body Repairer Careers

Resume Sample » Career Guide » Maintenance, Service and Repair Careers » Motor Vehicle Body Repairer Careers


A motor vehicle body repairer fixes or replaces the damaged parts of all types of vehicles. You may also replace the broken wineglass or windscreens. You first duty will be to review the extent of damage and the way to repair it. Once you have set about to repair job, your duties and responsibilities will include:

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After fixing the damaged parts you can refinish the surfaces with the help of:

You can keep the documentation of finished work to give to the clients when they come to collect their vehicle.


You can get into this profession through an apprenticeship in vehicle servicing and body repair. For doing this, you will require some GCSEs, for instance in English, Maths, Science, IT or other equivalent qualification. Log on to www.apprenticeship.org.uk for more information.

On the other hand, you can study for automotive qualifications at the college, which will guide you about some skills required. The appropriate courses include:

You can contact your home colleges for more information regarding the courses presented by them.

If you are having training in vehicle mechanics, you can get into the body repair. Check the job profile of Motor Vehicle Technician for further information.

Visit Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI) for more information about the automotive industry careers.


You will be trained on the job by the training providers or local college. This will lead to the National Vocational Qualifications in Vehicle Body and Paint Operations (Level 2 and 3).

The NVQ component consists of:

You can also work headed for the NVQ in Automotive Glazing (Level 2 and 3) if your job contains windscreen fitting.

If you are doing work on passenger carrying vehicles, you can take the Transport Engineering and Maintenance NVQ (Level 1 to 3). This covers up the electrical and mechanical work, trainer building and body repairs.

You can make improvement in your career prospects by working with the Institute of the Motor Industry's Automotive Technician Accreditation (ATA). This certification has 3 levels i.e. Diagnostic Technician, Service Maintenance Technician and Master Technician. You will take a progression of online tests and practical exams in the order to bypass each level.




You will normally work for 9 hours in a day from Monday to Friday. Some of the companies work in shifts which will include evenings and Saturday morning.

Most of your time will be spent in the workshop, which may include a paint-spraying booth. You will have to wear goggles, gloves and defensive mask for some tasks.


You will get the job opportunities from the outsized car traders to the small workshops. You can also work for specialist vehicle restorers, body shops, and road haulage and bus companies.

In a small garage, you may mix the duties of paint spraying and body repair. In superior garages, you will frequently dedicate yourself to on or the other.

Your alternative for promotion will include position of body shop management in a huge organization. You can also begin with your own business.

Check out latest example of recreation vehicle service technician for your corresponding career. #!/usr/bin/perl use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; open(LATEST, "footer_career.txt"); @bnr_all = ; close(LATEST); print "@bnr_all\n"; exit;