Shoe Repairer Careers |
A shoe repairer repairs the footwear and other accessories like bags and belts. Most repairers work in the high street shops, where they mix their shoe repairing work with other service like repairing of watch, cutting of keys and engraving.
Your responsibilities as a shoe repairer includes:
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If temporary, you will be liable for maintaining your own account
You may also focus on repairing handmade or bespoke shoes, or concentrate on creating or repairing orthopedic shoes with a small specialist company.
To being as a apprentice, you do not require an exact qualification. Some employers may take an aptitude test which covers your English, Practical Skills and Basic Mathematics.
It can be of great benefit to have experience and qualification in areas like retail, sales, leather work or customer care.
You can get into this field through an apprenticeship scheme. The apprenticeship range accessible in your area will depend on the skills required by the employers from their workers and local job market. You can visit for other information on apprenticeship.
Once you have started working as a shoe repairer, you will typically learn your trade in the office under the direction of a skilled partner.
You can also work towards qualification like:
You may also take additional training in the areas like engraving, key cutting or watch repairing if this services are presented by the employers.
Bonus scheme might be available. Self-employed repairers earning are related to the shop's takings.
You will basically work for 39 to 40 hours in a week, which also includes Saturday, although there may be chances to work part-time.
You will perform work at the workbench, by making use of special machinery and tools. This job might involve working with strong adhesive and smoke, and dangerous, loud machinery. You must wear appropriate protective clothing.
The footwear and leather industry is quite heavily concentrated in the areas like Somerset, Lancashire and Northampton shire.
You will get job opportunities in repair outlets within larger retail chain, shoe retailers and department stores. You can work in high quality shoe making factories and handle the shoes returned for repair. Jobs are publicized though Job center, local press and Job seekers page.
If you are working for a larger company you can make progress as a retail manager or as a assistant manager. If you have good experience and financial backing, you can begin with your own business in the retail industry.
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