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Signaling Technician Careers

Signaling Technician Careers

Resume Sample » Career Guide » Maintenance, Service and Repair Careers » Signaling Technician Careers


Signaling technicians are responsible for maintaining the signaling system on the rail network to make sure that the train runs smoothly. They also work together with the telecommunication equipment that connect various parts of the rail network to control centers.

Your duties as a signaling technician will involve:

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You will work from technological diagrams and make use of variety of electrical and computer controlled instruments for examining and testing equipment. You will have to make use of hand and power tools to maintain and repair the work.


If you are having an experience as an mechanical or electrical technician or you have completed rail engineering apprenticeship, then you can become a signaling technician.

Apprenticeship is accessible with the rail engineering companies, which are liable for maintaining the railways of the country or Tube Lines on the London Underground. To enter in this field you are expected to have four GCSEs (A-C), in the subjects like Mathematics, Science and English or other equivalent qualifications.

You will normally need three years to finish the apprenticeship and you will lead to formal qualifications, which includes Level 2 and 3 National Vocational Qualification in Railway Engineering and Certificate in First Line Management from Institute of Leadership and Management.

At the same time, you will be expected to work for license towards your Institution of Railway Signal Engineers (IRSE). For more information, see the website of IRSE Licensing.

Your employer will also tell you to take a Personal Track Safety i.e. PTS course. On finishing the course, you will be honored a safety card, which you will require for working on track. This course (PTS) is offered only for the workers who are employed by rail engineering companies and not to common public.

To know more about the training providers and PTS cards, visit the website of National Competency Control Agency. You can join the Network Rail's Signal Engineering Conversion Program if you are having the BTEC HNC/HND in electronic engineering. This is one year fully paid program which is made up of work experience and residential training. Make a contact with the Network Rail for more information.

Sheffield Hallam University presents the Foundation Degree in Railway Engineering (part-time). This course has been build up with the employers and is being planned for the employees who are already working in this industry. To get added information about the profession in the rail industry, log on to GoSkills website.


It is very important that you keep on building up your skillfulness and understanding all through your profession, if you are working in the industry.

As the member of IRSE, you can take on "Continuing Professional Development" (CPD) programs, which are delivered through training courses, workshops and discussion group. To get more details on CPD programs and membership, give a visit to IRSE website.

If you are holding National Vocational Qualification (Level 3), you can make improvement in your career prospects by registering as an Engineering Technician. Check out the Engineering Council UK website for more information.



With overtime and other allowance the income can increase. Extra benefit includes free or reduced price rail travel.


You will have to work for 40 hours in a week, probably on the shift basis which includes weekends and nights.

You will expend your time in the engineering workshop, signal control center, track side or out-of-doors. It is necessary that you pursue track safety procedures and make use of defending clothing and equipment every time.

You will have to travel to different parts of the network everyday. Overnight stay might be necessary sometime.


Your key chance for service will be with Network Rail and it's variety of engineering sub-contractors and London Underground.

If you are experienced, you can turn from junior to senior technician, with important responsibilities. With additional qualifications and experience, you can become incident investigator and signaling designer. #!/usr/bin/perl use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; open(LATEST, "footer_career.txt"); @bnr_all = ; close(LATEST); print "@bnr_all\n"; exit;