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Swimming Pool Technician Careers

Swimming Pool Technician Careers

Resume Sample » Career Guide » Maintenance, Service and Repair Careers » Swimming Pool Technician Careers


Swimming pool technician are responsible for maintaining and servicing the pools, hot tubes and spas in home, hotels, gyms and leisure centers so that they are safe for the bather. They are also responsible for servicing and installing the specialist water exercise equipment which are used in physiotherapy and training pools.

Your tasks as a swimming pool technician will typically include:

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In addition to the regular maintenance, you may also be liable for shutting down the pools in winter and get them back in use in the spring. You may also fit and repair the solar panels which are used to give heat and power to the equipment and pools.


Every time the employer doesn't ask for the particular qualification. But it will be beneficial for you if you have on of the following qualification:

You can check the other profile relating to this profession also.

You may begin work with the installation of pools of a company as a plant operator or a general laborer, affecting into the technological side after extra training.

You should be the member of Gas Safe RegisterTM (previously known as CORGI registration) if you are thinking to work on a gas pool heating system. Go through the website of Safe RegisterTM to get more information.

For jobs in the public sector, for instance, as a technician at a leisure university or center, you will require experience and qualification like those drawn in the training and development segment.


You will basically get the training on the job from the employer, which includes manual handling, safe and sound use of chemicals and cleaning products and methods.

You can also take the ISPE course i.e. Institute of Swimming Pool Engineers' course which will help you to get the status of Certified Technician. You will have to pass the exams in the four areas to get the certification:

The ISPE also presents with the training and Diploma workshop, which is possible for you to take after finishing your home study course or if your have some years experience in the industry. For more details check the ISPE website.

You will also work for the Institute of Sport and Recreation Management (ISRM) Level 2 and 3 Pool Plant Operator's Certificate. This is generally renowned award for pool manager and technician, and takes only 3 days to finish. Check the website of ISRM for more information.

The certificate in Swimming Pool and Spa Water Treatment and Safety Training Awards (STA) cover up the guidelines on water handling, heating systems and potential risk like cryptosporidium and legionnaires. See the website of Safety Training Award for further details.

If diving is the component of your maintenance work, you will require a standard diving honor, which will permit you to finish the course for the Swimming Pool Engineer's Diving Qualification which is permitted bye the Health and Safety Executive. You may check the driver's job profile and website of HSE for more information on driver training.




In case of full time job you will be working for 36 to 40 hours in a week, which will also include weekends. You will be working in the place like sports center, or perform contract maintenance on pools and equipment or tour around an area.


You will be working with the pool servicing and installation companies, educational institution, fitness chains, local authorities or equipment suppliers.

If you are having experience, you can turn into a team supervisor, contract manager or a pool manager. With additional training in Computer Aided Design (CAD) technician, you can become a pool designer. #!/usr/bin/perl use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; open(LATEST, "footer_career.txt"); @bnr_all = ; close(LATEST); print "@bnr_all\n"; exit;