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Advertising Copywriter Careers

Advertising Copywriter Careers

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As a copywriter, you will work as a team member with an art director who will provide you the visual images to set off with your words. Your job will start with meeting with the patrons, their products, the board audience and the publicity messages to be expressed. Your work will then comprise of:-

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Advertising copywriter will frequently work on many projects at a same time, basically under the supervision of creative director.


Employers will basically be more fascinated about your writing skills, creativity and business than your ceremonial qualifications.

As advertising is the viable industry, you may do well with the qualification which includes some copywriting, like:

Other helpful courses comprise of BTEC HNDs or journalism degree, Marketing and Media Studies.

Generally, due to work experience many people get their first copywriting job. This will definitely give you an opportunity to make contact in the industry and make an impression on the probable employer.

You can make a contact directly with the agencies to make an inquiry about the placements and make the contact of the industry all the way through appropriate groups on social networking sites. The DandAD pursue the Graduate Placement Scheme and IPA pursue the Graduate Recruitment Scheme. You will get all the require information on the Institute of Practitioners in Advertising i.e. IPA website.

You will have to show your portfolio to the probable employers while searching the job of your work, as you will be hired on the basis of your flexibility, imaginative thoughts and writing skills.

It is an excellent idea to work together with the art director on the campaign ideas for your portfolio, as it will help to prove your ability to the customers. For the information on advertising workshops, intended at assisting people make a portfolio and make contact in the advertising industry, check the DandAD website.

You can show the best of your portfolio online on the All Our Best Work website after joining IPA. Give a visit to the Diagonal Thinking website to if you need more information about the advertising career.


You can start your work as a junior creative in the advertising agency, and build up your skills and abilities on the job. In bigger advertising agencies, you may be given training through a structured graduate scheme.

Your training might include the IPA Foundation Certification and an online course for junior staff with at least the experience of 6 months in the field of advertising.

Advertising copywriter should remain up-to-date with the development and news of advertising industry all through your career. Courses are presented by DandAD for creative's and IPA runs a variety of short courses and meetings for staff working in the member agencies.




You will have to work from Monday to Friday (hours might differ). If you have to meet the deadlines, you will have to work more than your normal working hours.

You will be giving most of your time in the office, but rarely you will have to visit the clients or studios where the ad are being completed.


In the field of advertising copywriter the competition is very strong as it is much admired career in the mind of the graduates. Many jobs are found in London and other chief cities in the United Kingdom.

Jobs are basically presented in the national press or trade press. You can directly move towards the agencies as most of the jobs are not promoted.

You will advance to the creative director or senior advertising copywriter position, if you have the experience. You can also become self-employed. #!/usr/bin/perl use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; open(LATEST, "footer_career.txt"); @bnr_all = ; close(LATEST); print "@bnr_all\n"; exit;