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Image Consultant Careers

Image Consultant Careers

Resume Sample » Career Guide » Marketing Sales And Advertising Careers » Image Consultant Careers


Image consultants give suggestion to the companies and individual on all features of look and personal impact.

As an image consultant you can give advice on:

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Through a corporate client you can give advice on the following:

You will be working with people from a range of zone like private and public companies, media and retail and politics.

You can work with the media, making contribution to the radio and television programs, and to articles in specialist, national and local press.


There are no set entry requirements, but you might find it helpful to have experience in areas such as:

You will generally start with your won image consultancy company after obtaining appropriate qualification and experience.

You can do BTEC HNCs/ HNDs and foundation degree courses in range of associated areas, including design, beauty therapy, and media and marketing communications. To find for HNDs degree, give a visit to the UCAS website. The entry requirement for this course differs, so you should check with the universities and colleges.

For advice on qualification and career in the beauty consultant or industry, check the Hairdressing and Beauty Industry Authority i.e. HABIA website. Please make sure that HABIA does not give courses and catalog of course providers.

It is very big process to build up a business. You need to promote your service through PR and advertising, networks with confined business and other groups, and build up a status.

You will have to start consulting by finishing the foundation training in the field like color and body analysis, wardrobe management, application of make-up and personal shopping.

Training is available from many providers, some of which are renowned by the International Federation of Image Consultants (IFIC). Visit the website of IFIC for more information.


If you are experienced consultant, you can obtain accreditation at Master or Associate level from IFIC in combination with City and Guilds. Fellowship might be presented to you as a Master image consultant. It is not necessary to have accreditation, but it is the method to show the probable clients that your work meets up the standards of the industry.

Give a visit to the IFIC website for information of well-known training providers, Master Awards and recommendation on selecting training.

You might also build up your knowledge and skills by remaining present at the IFIC workshops, seminars and other events.



Income is based on the area of action in which consultants work, and on how victorious they are in developing a base of the customer.


You will normally work from home, so you need to have a proper office space. On the other hand, you may have to give visit to the clients at the work or at home. Your office hours will be flexible, as per the base of your clients, and will include weekends and evenings.


Most of the image consultants are temporary. Some work for huge agencies (like international), and concentrate on a specific area of the work. #!/usr/bin/perl use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; open(LATEST, "footer_career.txt"); @bnr_all = ; close(LATEST); print "@bnr_all\n"; exit;