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Clinical Psychologist Careers

Clinical Psychologist Careers

Resume Sample » Career Guide » Medicine And Nursing Careers » Clinical Psychologist Careers


Clinical psychologists are responsible for brining positive changes in the thinking and behavior of the people. The main objective of the clinical psychologist is to recognize the actions and feelings of the patrons so they can work with them to handle or conquer their psychological suffering and make development in their well-being.

Being a clinical psychologist, you will see the psychological difficulties of the people like depression, nervousness, consumption and phobias problems. Your duties and responsibilities will basically involve:

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You will work together with the other professional like probation officers, to reach particular aim with your clients. For e.g. restoring an criminal into the group of people

With experience, you can be involved in creating lawful reports and performing as an expert spectator in court. You can also go for specialize and work with a specific group like young offenders, children or elder adults.


To meet the criteria of the Chartered Psychologist (and be eligible for registration with HPC) you require finishing:

To get onto a degree you will normally require 5 GCSEs, including three A level- make sure with universities for exact entry requirements. See the site of BPS for a listing of certified courses.

If you are having a degree in the subjects except psychology, you can obtain Graduate Basis for Chartered Membership (GBC) by finishing the BPC standard alteration course.

Competition is strong for the place on the postgraduate training program- to be permitted you will normally require-

For exact entry requirements and a training program list, see the Clearing House for Postgraduate Training Course in Clinical Psychology site. This will also include suggestion on how to obtain appropriate work and research experience and knowledge.

Every course involves work with the vulnerable and children adults, so you will require the clearance of CRB i.e. Criminal Record Bureau.

Once you are acknowledge on to a postgraduate training program, you will be remunerated by the NHS and work as an apprentice clinical psychologist. This will involve academic and practical training, including research project and clinical assignments. Go through the website of BPS for whole information of succeeding in clinical psychology.

State Registration:

Statutory regulation for the psychologists started in July 2009. for further details on state registration with the HPC, see the website of HPC.


Once you are skilled you can go onto specialize in clinical neuropsychology, which will engross finishing a additional 2 years administered practices and recognized course in neuropsychology. You can also follow the research project leading to a PhD qualification, which will be helpful if you needed a career in teaching and research.

All through your career, you will be anticipated to participate in continuing professional development (CPD) activities so as to keep your skills and knowledge current. Check the BPS website for more information.




You will be working from 9am to 5 pm from Monday to Friday. Occasionally, you might require working on the weekends and evening and probably covering an emergency out-of-hours rota system. You will also get the chance for recreational work and job sharing.

You will find the clients in the local health centers and hospitals, in mental health and disability service, in judicial system and in schools. Sessions might happen in an workplace, client's residence or in the treatment room.


You will get the job opportunities in the NHS; though you can also get work in social service or, as a researcher in the university or in education as a teacher.

Sponsorship projections are excellent and with organization like NHS there is an evidently definite profession structure. Being a experienced clinical psychologist, you can go on to set up in private practice and work as a self-employed consultant, giving suggestion to the clients and other professionals. #!/usr/bin/perl use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; open(LATEST, "footer_career.txt"); @bnr_all = ; close(LATEST); print "@bnr_all\n"; exit;