Occupational Therapy Support Worker Careers |
An occupational therapy support workers are also called as rehabilitation assistant. They are responsible for working with the occupational therapists to assist customers in handling their everyday activities and live as autonomously as possible. The customer might be suffering from social, physical and mental difficulties.
An occupational therapist will evaluate requirements of the clients and seek the ways for them to adapt or improve their situation. Your task as a support worker will be to assist the customers with their treatment, support them to think optimistically and work for decided goals. You will supervise and document their advancement and give regular opinion to competent therapists. You can also work with the group or individuals.
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Illustrations of how you will work with clients include:
Your duties can also include checking that equipment such as walking frames are existing and in good condition and maintain the record of stock items.
You might need any particular qualification for becoming an occupational therapy support worker; but, you will generally require a good general education standard. Some of the employer might desire that you should have minimum 4 GCSEs in English, Mathematics and Science.
It will be beneficial to have some proper salaried or intended experience. For more information make a contact with voluntary service manager or coordinator at your confined NHS Trust.
Other way to obtain the experience of this work is with the help of Apprenticeship. Schemes differ between NHS Trusts, and in several places they might still be referred to as Cadet Scheme. They basically include clinical placements and study for NVQ in Health (Level 3). For further details on Apprenticeship, see www.apprenticeship.org.uk. You can also get in touch with the home NHS Trust for information of schemes in your region.
Once working, you can take a Level 3 NVQ in Health: Allied Health Profession Support (Occupational Therapy). With experience, you can also study recreational for the degree of occupational therapy (speak to your employer for more information). The HPC site has listing of full-time and par-time degree courses.
On the other hand, you can make an application for assistant practitioner position and learn for the foundation degree in the subject like social and health care, or helping professional practice. With this qualification, you might join second year of a degree as an occupational therapist. See the individual training provider for appropriate entry requirements.
You can register as a associate member of BAOT (British Association of Occupational Therapists) which will give you access to variety of professional development opportunities. For further information on all aspects of occupational therapy, see the BAOT site and career profile of Occupational Therapist.
You will generally work weekly for 37 hours. Recreational hours and job sharing chances are habitually presented.
You can be based in the residential home, day center, community, hospital, or give a visit to the clients at their residence.
You will get the jobs in the local authorities and in NHS. You can also work in the private health care sectors and with charitable organizations.
If you have experience and support from your employer, you might get the opportunity to work for becoming the skilled occupational therapists. This will comprise finishing 4 years in service training program. The BAOT contains more information about the training providers.
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