Proofreader Careers |
Work Environment:
As a proofreader, you'd check written content after editing and before printing/publishing it. You'd also perform last quality-check to ensure that nothing has been overlooked by copy editor.
You'd check proofs which demonstrates how final-pages will be presented, utilizing an on screen version or printed-copy.
Being a proofreader, your duties would comprise ensuring that:
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
open(LATEST, "aroj_mid.txt");
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Before marking-up changes which can result into unacceptable delay/costs, you'd discuss with your customer.
Qualification, Education and Experience:
To work as a proofreader, you don't necessitate specific qualifications. Generally, companies would prefer you to have experience than qualifications. Several proofreaders have worked within journalism, publishing or associated fields.
Though, proofreaders are generally graduates, thus it can be a benefit, if you've a degree into English or subject which can be specialist field for proof-reading. For instance, a science-degree will be helpful for proof-reading scientific manuals/textbooks.
You could get skills of proofreading by accomplishing short training courses by Publishing Training-Center and SfEP (Society-for Editors and Proofreaders). Training courses are provided through private training-course providers.
After accomplishing SfEP training courses, you'd gain support into setting up career by enrolling with SfEP mentoring-program.
For further information, check the website of Publishing Training Center and SfEP.
Training Details:
Within few publishing firms, you'd get training as you begin work. You could improve skills by taking training courses such as those provided by Publishing Training Center and SfEP.
Being a qualified proofreader you could enroll with SfEP registration and accreditation program, which includes obtaining recommendations by clients and getting through with proofreading exam.
It'd be helpful to be an associate of professional organizations, like Publisher's Association and SfEP, since this should provide you with chances for networking and support.
All through your vocation, you'd be required to stay updated with changes and development into publishing, and with technical abilities, like changes into related software. You could accomplish training into these fields by being present at seminars and accomplishing distance-learning provided by Publishing Training Center and SfEP.
Skills and knowledge:
Salary and Other Benefits:
Proofreaders working freelance basis are generally remunerated by hour/page.
Pay-scales rely on work experience.
Working Conditions:
Being a self-employed proofreader, you'd generally work from house and organize your working hours.
In a company, you'd work from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., on weekdays, although you may have to work for extra-hours to accomplish targets.
Different Opportunities:
Generally, you'd work on freelance basis.
Openings are publicized by nationwide press and websites like The Bookseller and Publishing News.
By experience, you can go for high profile job, or develop reputation and status as an expert into a specific area.
Check out latest samples like guidelines for publishing career changer resume and publishing freelancer resume tips for your corresponding career.
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
open(LATEST, "footer_career.txt");
@bnr_all =
You'd mark essential changes utilizing British-Standards Institute symbols. While working on computer, you'd utilize software programs to mark-up document. If essential, you'd also generate a list of queries/issues which require to be solved.