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Child Minder Careers

Child Minder Careers

Resume Sample » Career Guide » Social Services Careers » Child Minder Careers


Child Minders do the work in their own house, taking care of the kids whose parents is at job or learning. This can be during the day with the kids under the age of five and with the babies or later than school and in the school vacation with the grown-up children.

Your duties as a child minder will be:

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You will have to value the wishes of the parents relating to their children's routines, diet and religions and give information regarding the children with their parents.


You must be 18 years old to e a child minder. You do not require any particular qualification, but you must be registered with the Ofsted (Office for Standards in Education, Children's Service and Skills) earlier than you take care of the children under the age of eight.

Your first step to become a registered is to make a contact with the Families Information Services (or similar title). For personal information of your home council check the website children's Workforce Development Council.

You will be advised when there is a child minding pre-registration meeting in your area. You will then:

For contact information of your home council check the Children's Workforce Development Council website.

You will require the clearance from the Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) for you and anyone else in your home whose age is over 16.

Give a visit to the website of National Child-minding Association (NCMA) for additional information relating to the child minding registration and inspection.

Once you have been registered you can begin with your work as a child minder. If you are joining the NCMA you can get the suggestion and encouragement for all feature of your work.

You can obtain the help with the costs of setting your child minding business by making an application for the child minder establish grant. The grant are manage by local authorities Early Years Teams.


if you are searching the children's who are five years old, you will require to show that you fulfill the requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), which lays down the standards for children care, learning and growth. You can make an contact with the NCMA for further information.

Being a registered child minder, you will get the EYFS training from your local authority. Regional branches and local authorities of the NCMA also normally presents short term courses and one-day training sessions on disability understanding, child protection, baby massage, play and sign language.

For September 2010, you will be supported by your employer to do the job towards appropriate parts of the new Children & Young People's Workforce Diploma (Level 3).

For more information on training check the website of NCMA or make a contact with your local authority Early Years team.

You will get an Ofsted inspection at least once after every three years to ensure that you are giving anticipated standards for care.



The NCMA Membership Survey 2010 gave statement that standard fees incriminated by child minders varies from $3.38 to $5.02 an hour for every child, as per the country area.

Child Minders have to make preparations for making the payments of the own insurance and tax, and meet up with the costs like giving foods, purchasing equipment and toys. The child minder start-up grant can help with this.


You have to place your own hours to some extent, but these will have to fit in with the requirements of the parents. Several child minders presents a overnight and weekends services if the parents are working in the shifts.

Based on the size of your home, you can be registered to take care up to six children under eight years old. This will comprise your own children.

Your home will be inspected to ensure it is safe and hygienic, and you might require making several alterations like fitting safety gates.


You will be freelancer, normally doing a job in your own house. Some child minders are remunerated by the local authority, for instance to take care of the child who may otherwise be at risk of disregard or mistreatment.

If experienced, you can turn into a network coordinator, who gives support to other confined child minders or teach on the child minding courses.

With proper qualifications you can turn into associated jobs like play worker, nursery school nurse or teaching assistant. Check the relevant job profiles for further information. #!/usr/bin/perl use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; open(LATEST, "footer_career.txt"); @bnr_all = ; close(LATEST); print "@bnr_all\n"; exit;