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Community Transport Passenger Assistant Careers

Community Transport Passenger Assistant Careers

Resume Sample » Career Guide » Transport Careers » Community Transport Passenger Assistant Careers


Community transport is a restricted service for the people who are not able to make use of other kind of transport, for instance, the handicapped or elderly.

Being a community transport passenger assistant, it will be your job to go with passenger on the journeys in the vehicles (generally a minibus). The tasks performed by you will include:

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You will work with the vehicle driver, and probably with the passenger associate.


The entry requirements are not placed for this job, though employers basically require people with appropriate experience. Doing a job as a volunteer assistant is an excellent method to achieve this experience.

You will have a benefit when you are searching a job if you have customer service and social care background. You will also need the authorization of Criminal Records Bureau (CRB).

For additional general information regarding profession in community transport, check the site of Careers in Passenger Transport.


You will generally get the training on the job which will comprise disability knowledge, first aid, agreements and the law and duty of concern. Several passenger assistant are also skilled in specialist areas like indication of deaf or autism understanding.

You can also work for National Vocational Qualification in Road Transport Operations (Level 2), which has alternative in giving support to the passenger who need help.

Your employer may request you to take the Passenger Assistant Training Scheme (PATS). The scheme administered by the Community Transport Association (CTAUK), will give you with a nationally recognized training standard. Check the website of CTAUK for additional information.



Full-time passenger assistant make take home around £ 11,000 yearly.


In the permanent job you will have to work for 38 hours every week. You will require being flexible as passenger might need transport from early in the morning to evening. Recreational work might be presented.

The majority of your time will be spent in picking and dropping the passenger. Several handling and lifting might be needed. Your employer will make available the uniform for you.


You will get the chance in many area of the country, with private, public and voluntary organizations. Most community transport organizations are operated by the local authorities, so jobs might be promoted on your confined council or community transport association site.

With skills and experience, you can turn into community transport driving or vehicle maintenance, or be endorsed to the service operation manager or administrator.

You can also get the above job vacancies valuable:

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