Motor Vehicle Parts Person Careers |
Being a motor vehicle parts person, you will sell motor parts and accessories to general public, dealerships and garages.
You may focus on spares and accessories for cars, motorcycles, small vans or dedicate yourself to heavy vehicles like plant and machinery, buses, lorries and coaches.
Your tasks will basically involve:
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You don't require any formal qualification to obtain this job, even though several employers might desire a proper experience in vehicle servicing, vehicle parts or customer service. You will probably require a driving license.
You can enter this profession through an apprenticeship scheme. To enter this scheme, you will basically need four GCSE or equal qualification (grades A-C).
The variety of Apprenticeships presented in your area will be based on the local job market and the variety of skills which the employers require from their worker. To know more concerning apprenticeships visit the site of apprenticeships, the parts suppliers' website and the Institute of Motor Industry website.
Once you begin your work, you should finish your Level 2 and3 NVQ in Vehicle Parts Operation.
You can also take the Certification in Customer Service (Level 2 and 3) from Institute of Motor Industry's (IMI) for the Motor Industry. Check the site of IMI for additional information.
Your employer might organize a short term courses presented by major dealers or producers, to modernize your product knowledge.
Several companies gives bonus schemes connected to sales which may bring rise in the earning.
You will normally work for 40 hours weekly. Most of the companies will function on the rota system, which will include Saturdays and evenings.
You can also work in different settings, varying from retails channel to storehouse connected to dealerships and service centers. Your jobs might comprise some travel, for instance while making deliveries.
You can work with different settings, from huge service centers, where the important customers are car dealerships, to independent garages working straightforwardly with the community. You can also get the job with the small retail outlets, handling particularly with the car accessories and spares.
With experience, you can make a progress to a service adviser or supervisor position, or turn into the repair side. You can also become a freelancer as a parts supplier.
Jobs are promoted all through the newspapers, Directory (Job seekers page), Job center Plus and specialist employment agencies.
You can also get the following links helpful for job:
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