Biomedical equipment technician resume cover letter helps you to get entry into the field of health and hygiene as a Biomed, Biomedical Equipment Technologist (BMET) or a Biomedical Equipment Specialist (BMES). It is a much coveted position that demands ability of good assessment and proper handling of medical equipments. The main role of the aforementioned post is to ensure patients about safety, proper configuration and accurate functionality of the equipments used during treatment and surgery. A BMET is totally responsible for installing, repairing, maintaining, inspecting, modifying and designing medical equipment. He imparts training to end users about proper utility of medical equipment.
Regarding the wide variety of medical treatment, a BMET has application in different fields like Medical Imaging, CT scan, MRI scanning, x-ray, Ultrasound, etc. Working in accord with the nursing staff, a Biomedical Equipment Technician makes the patient sure about the safety and accuracy of the medical equipment used.
Cover Letter Sample
Gregory L. Dyer
4747 Granville Lane
Wayne, NJ 07477
United States
Phone No: 800-465-185
Dear Mr. Dyer,
I am writing this letter to apply for the post of a Biomedical Equipment Technician in your hospital. I came across the job opening in the Mirror Special Newspaper on 12 Dec. I am well aware about your hospital, and eager to get an opportunity to work with you. Hence, I have enclosed my resume along with this cover letter.
I am a post graduate in Science and have done two years diploma in Biomedical Equipment Technician. This has provided me the knowledge about handling and checking the accuracy of equipment that are used in particular areas like, radiology, surgery, dialysis, and clinical laboratory.Besides, I have a rich industry experience of four years in the field of Medical equipment technology. I worked in "MRI Lab" where I had to look after all the medical equipment used during X-ray, MRI and CT scan. I tested all the equipments, checked their configuration and ascertained their safety of handling.
With all these qualities and experiences, I assure you of my good team playing, able time management, decision making, and devotion towards work. I have mentioned my contact information at the top left side of this letter. If you have any query regarding my candidature, please feel free to call or send an email. To enhance your information I have enclosed my resume and one copy of experience certificate along with this cover letter.
Thanking you for giving your valuable time and considering me for the mentioned position.
Yours Sincerely
Matthew M. Gustafson
Candidates looking for resume building guidance for biomedical equipment technician or medical technologist may check here for resume samples.
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