For many, writing is a passion, and they pursue it very seriously. There are many careers in this field. Climbing up the ladder, the highest position one reaches is that of an Editor. Editors work for different fields, and edit different types of content. For example, a Magazine Editor, Newspaper Editor, Web Content Editor, etc. to apply for these jobs, one needs to write a specific Editor cover letter and send it along with the resume.
Ms. Sally White,
Matrix Publications,
Python Street,
25th Lane,
California - 52648
Dear Ms. White,
I am Mercy Mellow, and Mr. Shine working with your organization informed me that you have a vacancy for the position of Editor, in your organization. Since, I am moving to California this week, I believe that this is the best opportunity for me.
I am currently situated in Florida. My husband is now moving to California, and we are thus shifting with our family. I worked as a Sub-Editor here with Pioneer Publications, and have 3 years of experience in this field. I have edited many books written by many famous authors, and have been appreciated for my work. I have also won two awards for 'Best Editing'.
Matrix Publications is one of the renowned publication houses in USA. Your works have been appreciated by people, and you always support new talent. This interests me as I may get to work in a different environment.
I have enclosed my resume herewith. I request you to go through my resume, and call me for an interview to discuss this opportunity further. I assure you that my talent and experience in this field will not disappoint you.
Thank you.
Mercy Mellow
4545 6868686
Enclosure: Resume
Mr. James King,
Education Board,
Python Street,
28th Lane,
California - 52648
Dear Mr. White,
I am Mercy Mellow and this is with reference to the advertisement posted in California Times, dated 20th October. I wish to present my candidature for the same.
I have completed a course in Mass Communication, and have undergone special training in editing under the mentoring of Mr. Parx. I have edited many books along with him, and I am currently working as an Editor with a private books firm named Student Hub. I have a total work experience of 2 years.
Working with Education Board, California, I would get a chance to work in a professional environment and thus try to make learning more interesting for students. I have many ideas related to the education syllabus and procedures, and I believe I would get to present this when I become a part of the education system.
I have attached my resume along with this letter. You'd call me on the mentioned phone number regarding interview. I assure you that this won't be a waste of time.
Thank you
Mercy Mellow
4545 6868686
Enclosure: Resume
The two sample letters given above, are of two different streams in editing. The first letter is for an Editor of novels, fiction or non-fiction books, etc. The second is for an Editor who edits books that are used in the educational system or recommended as per the syllabus of the students. The styles of editing for these two streams vary to a certain extent. In this way, understand your job profile and write a cover letter that presents you most effectively.
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