Optometry is a specialized medical branch concerned with eye care. The specialist who practices this field of medicine is called an optometrist. Along with eye tests and diagnosis they are also constantly in touch with all the medical developments in this field. Every optometry department of each hospital has a senior medical advisor and fellow doctors and junior doctors. The junior staff performs eye check-ups for any possible infections and accordingly, refers the patients to specialists. In case of an eye surgery, a patient is referred to a senior medical advisor/ senior eye surgeon who tells them about the various steps of the surgery and then operates on them. They also guide them through various pre and post operation cautions. Cataract and laser correction are the most common of eye surgeries.
Optometrists also practice privately, take on research papers and/ or teach at medical universities.
On the education front, a person has to pursue a graduation in health care sciences followed by a doctorate/ masters in optometry by successfully passing the Optometry Admission Test. A practitioner has to be a registered member with either The American Optometrist Association (AOA) or the American Optometrist Society (AOS).
1. Cover Letter Sample (for Experienced candidates)
Randy Baker, Sr. Advisor,
Optometry Dept.
Martha Wayne Foundation Eye Hospital
Estrada St., Pasadena
United States
Subject- Application for the post of Optometrist
Dear Mr. Randy,
I recently saw your job advertisement of an optometrist in the latest issue of American Optometrist dated 19th Nov, '13. I am writing this letter to apply for the post of optometrist at your hospital. I am an experienced optometrist from Baltimore State Eye Hospital and have a total work experience of 12 years.
I have worked at the Baltimore State Eye Hospital for 6 years during which I have treated patients for various problems like cataract, near sightedness, dry eye syndrome, Blepharitis and many forms of eye allergies. Apart from common cataract laser surgeries, I have been on the hospital surgeons' team for more than 100 operations since 2009. Apart from this, I am a registered member of the American Optometrist Society (AOS).
I want to shift my base to California in order to handle higher responsibilities and advance my growth prospects. Also I am working on a medical research paper in accreditation from the California Eye Foundation.
Attached with this letter is my resume encompassing my complete relevant professional experience. I would really wish to come and work with your team under your supervision and successfully treat our patients thus contributing to the field of eye care.
Thanking you,
Yours Sincerely,
Lyle Clark
2. Cover Letter Sample (for Freshers)
Randy Baker, Sr. Advisor,
Optometry Dept.
Martha Wayne Foundation Eye Hospital
Estrada St., Pasadena
United States
Subject- Application for the post of trainee Optometrist
Dear Mr. Randy,
I want to apply for the post of trainee Optometrist in your hospital. I came to know about this vacancy after going through your advertisement in the latest issue of American Optometrist dated 19th Nov, '13.
I am a fresher ophthalmology student registered with the American Optometrist Association (AOA).
I have completed my Masters degree in Optometry from the National Optometry College. I have successfully completed my six months' internship with Optometrist Institute of California.
I look forward to getting this opportunity to start my practice with Martha Wayne Foundation Eye Hospital. Please find enclosed herewith my resume and other relevant certificates.
Looking forward to speak to you.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Joan Eisenberg
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