#!/usr/bin/perl use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; open(LATEST, "header_cover.txt"); @bnr_all = ; close(LATEST); print "@bnr_all\n"; exit;

Pediatric Dentist Cover Letters

A pediatric dentist cover letter is used to give your work-related introduction to the recruiter. It contains basic information about why you want to take up this job, your related experience and qualifications. The job of a pediatric dentist is to deal in children's healthcare. His job involves looking into the overall growth and development of kids' teeth and ensuring healthy dental conditions by the method of prescription and prevention. They help in identifying any problem related to teeth and in providing right kind of treatment.

Often such doctors are required to practice a higher degree of patience and empathy as they have to deal with kids who are often very scared of visiting the dentist. They must have a good understanding of child psychology.

Please go through the following cover letter samples for this post.

1. Example of Cover Letter (Experienced)

Francis Hall, Dentist (Pediatrics)
U.D.F. Hospital
11 West St., Bristol
United States
Contact No.: (645)654-0287

Dr. E.L. Stone, Administration
XYZ Medical Sciences College
12 Mango Avenue,
United States

Subject- Application for the post of Pediatric Dentist

Dear Dr. Stone,

I recently saw your advertisement for an available job post of a full-time Pediatric Dentist at your hospital. This ad was posted on www.dentalhealth.com dated 24th Nov, '13. And, I am interested in this opportunity as I think I will be able to do justice to the responsibilities involved here.

I have a total of 12 years' experience in Pediatric Dentistry. Right now, I am working on the same post at U.D.F. Hospital in Bristol. My work there includes conducting dental check-up on kids, taking X-rays, cavity filling and removal of problem teeth in kids. Many times kids have a defective tooth growth; I have extensively worked on corrective dental surgeries. I have a good experience in dentures as well; something that I have been doing since many years.

I am proficient with using drills, X-ray machine, forceps and scalpels. I am also up to date with the latest development in this field.

I completely understand that working with kids requires a lot of patience and understanding of child psychology. I can assure you that while working with them, I have and I always take utmost care of these things. I have earlier worked closely with kids and have conducted many educational dental campaigns for them in different schools.

On the education front, I am a certified Pediatric Dentist from the American Dental Association. I have completed my Postgraduate Dental course from the University of Belfast.

It is because of this experience of working with kids that I feel confident that I will be able to do full justice to my responsibilities towards my patients and the hospital thus, contributing towards providing a higher quality of dental care. Please go through my resume and if it impresses you, I shall be waiting for your call.

Thanking you,

Yours Sincerely,

Francis Hall, Dentist (Pediatrics)
U.D.F. Hospital


2. Cover Letter Sample (Fresher)

Garry Johnson
234 Bell St., Barton
United States
Contact No.: (645)657-0950

Dr. E.L. Stone, Administration
XYZ Medical Sciences College
12 Mango Avenue,
United States

Subject- Application for the post of trainee Pediatric Dentist

Dear Dr.Stone,

I recently saw your advertisement for an available job post of a trainee Pediatric Dentist at your hospital. This ad was posted on www.dentalhealth.com dated 24th Nov, '13. I am interested in this job opportunity.

I have recently graduated from the University of Belfast after doing a 4 years' Masters Course in Dental Healthcare. During this time I have spent 12 months in 2 internships where I have worked with Belfast Dental Centre and Y.J. Dental service for 7 months and 5 months respectively. The first one was a government hospital and the second one was a private dental care clinic. Because of these internships, I have gained good experience in working with children. I have carried out basic dental check up on kids during assisting the dentist team there.

I am sending across my resume along with this cover letter. I hope that my qualification and the basic training qualify me for this entry-level Pediatric Dentist's position.

Thanking you,

Yours Sincerely,

Garry Johnson

Enclosures: Resume

#!/usr/bin/perl use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; open(LATEST, "footer_cover.txt"); @bnr_all = ; close(LATEST); print "@bnr_all\n"; exit;