#!/usr/bin/perl use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; open(LATEST, "header_cover.txt"); @bnr_all = ; close(LATEST); print "@bnr_all\n"; exit;

Production Manager Resume Cover Letter

A sample cover letter for production manager job.

Production Manager Resume cover letter contains, in short, the relevant technical work details of one's past and present work. While looking for the post of production manager in a company, the applicant needs to provide the recruiter with such details like, the kind of production assembly he has worked in and the exceptional contributions made by him in the line of his duties, for e.g., the applicant can mention about his achievement in ensuring 100%, timely processing and production of the goods under his watch. Before writing a letter, the applicant should think and be sure about what exactly his USP is- the quality that makes him stand out in a crowd of hundreds of other applicants. He can be an excellent supervisor, motivator, task master; it can be anything. He should have a track record of meeting the deadlines.

Production managers, in global as well as domestic market, are in great demand, thanks to the ever-increasing customer market contributing to consumerism. To meet the targets of production and deliver the goods on time into the market, one needs to be diligent and have an eye for detail. He also has to be creative and capable of devising ways for maximized production in available resources, along with conserving the required quality standards at the same time.

Following is a cover letter sample for a production manager's post.

Production Manager Resume Cover Letter (Experienced)

Ron Hardy
31-A St. Tristan Avenue.
Washington, DC 20019
(202) 352-0283
10th January, '12

Fred Benson, HR Manager
Toyota Auto
11- Trent Space
TX 76112 (817) 832-8231

Subject- Application for the post of Production Manager

Dear Mr. Benson,

I am writing to you to apply for the post of Production Manager with your company. I came to know about this post from an ad posted on www.hrpositions.com. I have read the ad and I am most confident that I meet all the mentioned requirements, in terms of experience and skills, for this job.

I have a considerable experience of seven years in the field of production. I have extensively worked in the automobile industry and, through diligent efforts, I have always met the required standards of quality and safety at each level of production. I am, right now employed with Volkswagen, as their production manager, at their Kentucky plant. I am stationed here since 2008. While my stint here, I have instilled the practice of Six Sigma in all our processing and production levels- right from the procurement of raw materials from our vendors to the delivery of the finished models to the dealers. Thanks to this practice, we have been able to decrease the wastage percentage of the total resources to just xyz%, thus increasing the production to about abc% from the previous vcx%.

On the education front, I hold a certificate diploma in Six Sigma management and a degree in production engineering from the University of New Orleans.

I am eagerly looking forward to this specific opportunity and so, for your consideration, I am attaching my resume along with this letter. I await your reply soon.

Yours Sincerely,

Ron Hardy


This post of a Production Manager is a senior level post and to acquire this, it will take a lot of good experience. Observe the cover letter sample above and while writing your own draft, add to it, all the brief information (skills and achievements) that you think will impress the recruiter. Apart from this, try to make the cover letter as quantitative as possible. It has been done in the sample here; try to describe your achievements in hard figures. This approach clearly marks your performance level and capabilities, and thus makes it easier for the recruiter to assess you on the basis of the company's requirements.

There are number of other tips along resume objective here from that resume building tips through resume samples such as manufacturing manager for automotive resume will be more helpful. #!/usr/bin/perl use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; open(LATEST, "footer_cover.txt"); @bnr_all = ; close(LATEST); print "@bnr_all\n"; exit;