#!/usr/bin/perl use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; open(LATEST, "header_cover.txt"); @bnr_all = ; close(LATEST); print "@bnr_all\n"; exit;

Theater Production Manager Cover Letter

Theater production manager is the best career option for those who have passion for creativity with good management skills. He works in harmony with the producer, director, and choreographer to provide structured and value oriented services. He has to manage varied areas of production like scenes, lighting, projection, video, automation, stage management, and others. To apply for this position, you must have some knowledge and understanding on all disciplines of production that include recruitment of staff, supervising them, preparing production budget, booking of venue, management of operations, dealing with client's complaints, logistics, and providing workplace safety.

In some instances, Theater Production Manager works as a media liaison, where he has to arrange photo shoots, provide press releases for future productions, and synchronize between staff and director of the production house.

Theater Production Manager is the person who undertakes all the backstage responsibilities such as supervising set construction, costumes, scheduling rehearsals and undertaking all accounting and financial responsibilities.

Cover Letter Sample

Mike Johnson
98 Icebergs
United States
Contact No.: 548-765-234
E Mail Id: mknsn@example.com

Charles Hamilton
South Green pool road
United States
Phone no.: 679-453-176
E Mail Id: chhm@example.com

Dear Mr. Hamilton,

With due respect I am writing this letter to apply for the position of Theater Production Manager that is vacant at your television station. I came to know about the opening through my uncle who has been working there since 2009. He told me about the placid work culture of your renowned organization and asserted how popular the station is among common people.

My academic degree in Theater Production Management and talent to manage production budget, to lead the entire production staff and ability to co-ordinate between staff and Client has imbibed in me the confidence to do the assigned task with efficiency. I have worked with varied Television networks where I cultivated all needed skills such as team management, time management, supervising staff, multi tasking, and fluency over languages. I am sure my comprehensive exposure in media, coupled with strong knowledge and leadership skills justifie my suitability for the position. I assure you of my ability to perform managerial standards, and guide my team efficiently to achieve its objectives.

I would be highly gratified, if given an opportunity to meet you in the immediate future, to discuss on how my skill-set can be effectively used for the growth of your organization. I have enclosed my resume and two copies of experience certificate for your information. If you want more knowledge about me, you can call on the above mentioned number or can drop an email.

Thanking You,

Yours sincerely

Mike Johnson

Enclosure: Resume

If you are looking for a cover letter example to follow, the above mentioned sample can assist you on the right track. However, with the slightest customization you can make your own copy more impressive. Ensure that the language used is simple and precise, and the information is accurate according to the job profile. Do not try to praise yourself to an extreme level, and refrain from being too generous. You have some potentiality and knowledge for the required opening. Display those points in brief, and how they can help your employer in optimizing their mission.

Along with this, you can also take a look at the sample of theater major resume. #!/usr/bin/perl use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; open(LATEST, "footer_cover.txt"); @bnr_all = ; close(LATEST); print "@bnr_all\n"; exit;