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Musician Resume Objective
Resume Samples » Resume Objective » Art Resume Objective » Musician Resume Objective
Job Description:
Musicians play instruments and work in symphony bands, orchestras and rock groups. Job description of musician resume involves following duties:
- Handle the management of business activities, like arranging advertising and negotiating fees.
- Offer the musical background for live shows like operas, musical theater, ballets, and cabarets.
- Set up equipment and instrument as well as organize for its transportation.
- Learn new pieces of music to expand range.
- Lead groups at rehearsals and recorded or live performances in order to accomplish desired effects like tonal and harmonic balance rhythm, dynamics, and tempo.
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
open(LATEST, "aroj_mid.txt");
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- Play musical equipment as soloists, or as guest or members artists of musical groups like ensembles, orchestras, or bands.
- Perform in concerts and contribute in recording sessions.
- Rehearsal musical instrument performances, independently or in rehearsal among other musicians, to master individual pieces of music and to sustain and develop skills.
- Make original music like popular symphonies, songs, or sonatas.
- Coordinate and arrange tours, or employ touring companies to organize concert dates, accommodations, venues, and transportation for longer tours.
- Carry out administrative tasks like applying for grants, negotiating contracts, and developing budgets, printing and designing programs and other promotional resources.
- Transcribe melodic lines and musical compositions to adapt them to a specific group, or to make a particular musical style.
- Encourage their own or their group's music through contributing in media interviews and additional activities.
- Carry educational work in businesses, schools and the wider community.
- Plan and schedule performances and rehearsals, and organize details like accompanists, locations, and instrumentalists.
- Assign and evaluation staff work in such areas as, arranging, scoring and copying music, and verbal coaching.
- Specialize in the trombone, clarinet, trumpet, saxophone, organ, or a rhythm instrument like the string bass, drums, piano, or guitar might perform in restaurants, at parties, in nightclubs, and at receptions.
- Knowledge of standards and processes for staff selection, recruitment, training, benefits and compensation.
- Must have flexible, energy, and capability to practice every day.
- Knowledge of different principles of music theory, like vocal and instrumental capabilities.
- Able to reply speedily to verbal directions and aural cues.
- Communicate musical ideas and instructions clearly.
- Strong imagination skill.
Objective Statements:
- I am knowledgeable, creative and resourceful musician with 6 years experience in music and appreciate music by theory, history and practical skills.
- I have talent to guide orchestra and choral groups in special and regular performances for community activities, concerts, school program, and festivals.
- To become a musician in a music business company I would like to employ my skill, abilities and knowledge to make effective music.
- I would like to make a career in the field of musician in a challenging music company where I will get an opportunity to make experiment with my knowledge of music.
- I have ability to perform all roles in the field of musician like guide, instruct and compose music.
- To meet all success and achievement of the company I will work hard and try to give best efforts.
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use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
open(LATEST, "footer_obj.txt");
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