Hospital Porter Careers |
Being a hospital porter, you will give support to the patients by helping them to go around the hospital, for instance, from a ward to the x-ray unit. You will take them on the trolleys or into the wheelchair. You can also perform other duties like:
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In various hospitals you will assist the security, which will entail working on the reception desk.
For becoming a hospital porter you will not require any qualification. However, you should have good oral and written communication skills. It will give you benefit while handling manual, or health and safety qualifications.
Some employers will check your physical fitness when you make an application for this job which might include medical. Big hospitals or trusts may favor you to have a driving license so that you can work on different sites all through a working day.
Experience of working wit the public, especially in a helpful role, will be mainly useful. If you are not having required experience, you can study about this position by volunteering in a hospital, assisting the porter with her or his duties. Get in touch with the voluntary service manager or coordinator for additional guidance.
You will get the training on the job, by working with the experienced and skilled colleagues. You will basically have short introduction course which covers the areas like:
You can work towards the National Vocational Qualification 2nd level in Support Services in Health Care.
You will get extra payments for working in shift and during overtime. A salary in private hospital will depend on the NHS.
You will be working around 38 to 40 hours in a week, which will include weekends and shifts. Part-time hours are habitually probable.
Your work will comprise of disposing of dangerous waste, for which you will have to wear protective clothes. Your work might take you everywhere on the site of hospital. Your responsibilities might be actually and expressively challenging.
You can work in the private hospitals and NHS. There is generally more competition for the jobs.
If you are experienced, you can make a step forward for the position of supervisor or team leader. For this, you might require or work towards the qualification in management and supervision.
Having knowledge and experience of working as a porter with the patients can be helpful if you desire to move into the area like health care assistant work, ambulance work or nursing. See the significant job profiles for information.
You will see that the jobs are broad casted in the home press and you might also find it valuable for vacancies.
Here are certain resume writing tips for cardiovascular technician and sample of medical technologist resume for excelling in your interested career.
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