#!/usr/bin/perl use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; open(LATEST, "header_career.txt"); @bnr_all = ; close(LATEST); print "@bnr_all\n"; exit;
Career Guide

Medical Technology Career Guide

Resume Sample » Career Guide » Medical Technology Career

With the rising population and increase in the numbers of patients, the need for medical professionals is certainly on the rise. Today, medical technology is said to be one amongst the rapidly growing industries, all thanks to our medical scientists for they have been coming up with amazing and life changing technologies of late. People all over the world believe that taking a career in medical technology is definitely rewarding and it actually is, for there will never be a world without patients and the need for medicines will only increase.

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Medical technology is the diagnostic application of science and technology aimed at improving health management worldwide. Such technologies are extensively used in medical research to identify the nature of health conditions, in both humans and animals, which would ultimately improve the quality of life health-wise. Career growths in medical technology include employment opportunities in sectors such as pharmaceuticals, clinical care or nursing, pathology, physical therapy, medical sonography and various medical treatments.

Medical technology also refers to duties of professionals in the field of chemistry, micro-biology, genetics, biology, radiology, etc which may either be classified in the public or private sector. Such professionals are called Medical Technologists in the market. Whether you are looking for a career in the public sector or the private medical sector, you certainly have a wide range of jobs to choose from. The medical industry constantly seeks professionals ranging from medical assistants to therapists. Depending upon your skills and your line of interest, you may choose to study the right course for you, for there are various certifications available.

Education in medical technology

You may also need to consider your budget and opt for a course that you can afford since we know that medical education is quite expensive. You may as well choose to join as a medical assistant if you wish to avoid spending more time and money in a medical school or college. If you have altruistic leanings, although this is no social activity, then you may certainly consider a career in this field as medical professionals with a sense of compassion towards humanity are in need.

As we all know, educational institutions are coming up with a number of new courses and modules of which 30% courses are sheer balderdash. So beware of such institutions; they certainly do offer certificates for such courses but what is the use of holding a certificate that has the same value as a biscuit wrapper in a recycle bin. So be careful in choosing your course as well as the school/college.

While you study the course, it would be highly beneficial for you if you learn to operate sonogram and x-ray machines since they are used in various medical sectors. Besides, getting trained on these machines will definitely boost your chances of getting a job as well as a higher salary.

Growth in medical technology as a sector is definitely guaranteed and getting your hands on modern technology will certainly enhance the value of your resume. You may even apply for part time internships while you study in order to put into practice what you have learn in school/college which will in turn help you in performing well in your academics. Moreover, the experience will be counted and will prove to be quite helpful for you in getting a good job as you step out of the college.

You may use this website as a career guide to guide you through the field of medical technology. Here, you'll find links that provide you information on professional opportunities in various sectors in medical technology. We have briefly described the duties and roles of professionals in the field of medical technology.

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Prosthetist-Orthotist Career
Radiographer Career
Radiography Assistant Career
#!/usr/bin/perl use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; open(LATEST, "footer_career.txt"); @bnr_all = ; close(LATEST); print "@bnr_all\n"; exit;