Microbiologist Careers |
The person who studies micro-organisms like bacteria, fungi, algae and fungi, by carrying out the experiments in the laboratories is called as microbiologist.
As a clinical microbiologist in health care, you will make recognition of the disease and protect the society from the contamination. On the other hand, you can work in the research and development for the food and pharmaceuticals production, in education or the environment or in agriculture.
Your tasks will involve:
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Your duties will often comprise presenting the answer of your research, performing the managerial work, overseeing the work of support personnel. If you are working as a lecturer or researcher in the teaching hospital or university, you will also be involved in mentoring, supervising and tutoring students.
To become a microbiologist you will normally require a degree in the appropriate subjects like biology, microbiology or other biological science with a concentration on microbiology. Some employers might desire you to have a work experience and some post graduation qualification.
To obtain a degree in microbiology you will normally require 5 GCSEs (A-C) which includes the subjects like Mathematics, Science and English including 2 'A' level biology and if possible chemistry. Make a confirmation with the course providers as substitute qualification might also be accepted and some of them present with the foundation courses for students who do not have the science background.
More over, you will need experience earlier than applying for your initial job. You might also be able to obtain this during a work assignment as a degree course part, or by organizing the work experience with the companies during the holidays. See the Society for Applied Microbiology (SFAM) and Society for General Microbiology (SGM) for more information on summer working schemes. The confined NHS trust or your university may give you suggestion about the charitable opportunities.
It is also likely to enter into microbiology by functioning your way up from lab technician. This will involve studying part-time for a appropriate degree.
Once you have started working as a microbiologist, you will basically get the training on the job from your employer in the areas like technology and techniques, and administrative or management skills. Several employers might also support you to take a membership of the professional body like Society of General Microbiology (SGM) or post graduate qualification. This will assist you with qualified development.
Working in the NHS, you will start in an apprentice clinical scientist position and expend 3 years on the planned training program working for an MSc in Microbiology. To meet the criteria as a clinical scientist you require an additional 2 years experience in the laboratory earlier than making an application for Association of Clinical Scientists Certificate of Attainment. Once if you obtain a certificate, you can apply with the Health Profession Council (HPC) for state registration.
Go through the websites of Association of Clinical Scientist and Health Profession Councils for additional information of state registration and approved course, and see the "Career Profile of Clinical Scientist" for more information on the other areas of clinical science.
The following are some figures with which the clinical microbiologist work in the NHS.
In private sector, the salaries might be high.
You will need to work for 8 hours, from Monday to Friday. In case of some jobs you might have to work on-call rota. Most of your work will be carried out in the laboratory, and you will have to wear protective clothes to prevent infectivity.
You might have to travel in your work, for instance, to be present at the scientific conference and meetings.
In the National Health Service, you will work in the pathology or diagnostic department of larger hospitals and medical schools. You can also do job with the Health Protection Agency's center for Infections.
You may get the jobs in industrial research and development (industrial), universities, medical and technological writing, scientific investigation and analysis, government agencies like Health and Safety Executive and Food Standard Agency.
Jobs are publicized in the public and restricted press, in the technical journals and by the specialist enrollment organizations.
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