Radiographer Careers |
Generally, radiographer use a variety of radiations like radioisotopes, x-rays, ultrasound and magnetic resonance to assist in making a diagnosis or treat patients who are sick or wounded.Radiography Assistant Careers Radiography Assistant Careers Resume Sample » Career Guide » Medical Technology Careers » Radiography Assistant Careers WORK ENVIRONMENT:- The radiography assistants are also called as imaging support workers. They assist the skilled radiographer with their everyday duties and responsibilities. The duties and responsibilities of the radiography assistant frequently include: helping the radiographer in the process like biopsies taking the patients from wards to departments assisting to handle the image processing systems and accessory equipment carrying out clerical tasks like booking appointments giving assurance to the patients by making use of the section providing details about the treatment to the patients giving details about the mistakes with the equipment giving emotional and physical support to the patients all through the treatment Your tasks can also involve processing the images of the film and dealing with sanitation in the department. QUALIFICATION, EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE:- You will not require any particular qualification to become a radiography assistant. Though, you will require an excellent general standard of education and several employers might prefer you to have 4 or even more GCSEs which includes the subjects like Science, Mathematics and English. Check with your home NHS Trust for detailed suggestion. It will be helpful if you have a charitable and salaried experience. For more recommendations about, this, get in touch with your voluntary services manager and coordinator at your local NHS Trust. An additional way to get experience of this work is all the way through an apprenticeship. Schemes differ between NHS Trust, and in little places they might still be referred to as Cadet Schemes. They basically include clinical assignments and study towards Level 3 National Vocational Qualifications in Health. For more details on apprenticeship, you may log on to You can also get in touch with the home NHS Trust for information of schemes in your area. TRAINING DETAILS:- Once if you have started working as a radiography assistant, you will generally get the training on the job form your employer. You can also be supported to work toward the National Vocational Qualifications in Health (Level 3) which comprise of units specific to radiography support work. If you have an experience, you can apply for the position of the assistant practitioner and take a foundation degree in the subject like oncology and radiography practice. This can give you admission to year two of a degree primary to registration as a radiographer (this can be completed as a part of the secondment, with economic support from your employer). As an assistant practitioner, you can join the College and Society of Radiographer, which will give you review to networking chances and expert enlargement activities. SKILLS and KNOWLEDGE:- outstanding communication and management skills aptitude to give assurance to the patients who are worried ability to deal with the people of all backgrounds and ages keenness in science precision and awareness to particulars ability to work in team and on own initiatives an understanding of health and safety guidelines endurance and understanding SALARY AND OTHER BENEFITS:- Radiography assistant can be paid from $ 13,500 to $ 18,500 each year. Assistant practitioner can make up to around $ 21,500. WORKING CONDITIONS:- You will basically be working for more than 38 hours in a week as a full-time assistant. Part-time hours and job allocation chances are also frequently accessible. This work might be sensitively and physically challenging as you will be working with the patients with a variety of health conditions. You will wear protective clothing like x-ray apron, while working with these machines. You will be based in the outpatient's clinics or hospital radiography section. DIFFERENT OPPORTUNITIES:- You will find many jobs with the NHS. You can also work in private clinics and hospitals. As an assistant practitioner or radiography assistant, if you are skilled and experience and have a support from your employer, you will be studying recreational to become skilled radiographer. For additional suggestion and recommendations, see the Health Professions Council and Society and College of Radiographer websites. Radiography Assistant Careers Radiography Assistant Careers Resume Sample » Career Guide » Medical Technology Careers » Radiography Assistant Careers WORK ENVIRONMENT:- The radiography assistants are also called as imaging support workers. They assist the skilled radiographer with their everyday duties and responsibilities. The duties and responsibilities of the radiography assistant frequently include: helping the radiographer in the process like biopsies taking the patients from wards to departments assisting to handle the image processing systems and accessory equipment carrying out clerical tasks like booking appointments giving assurance to the patients by making use of the section providing details about the treatment to the patients giving details about the mistakes with the equipment giving emotional and physical support to the patients all through the treatment Your tasks can also involve processing the images of the film and dealing with sanitation in the department. QUALIFICATION, EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE:- You will not require any particular qualification to become a radiography assistant. Though, you will require an excellent general standard of education and several employers might prefer you to have 4 or even more GCSEs which includes the subjects like Science, Mathematics and English. Check with your home NHS Trust for detailed suggestion. It will be helpful if you have a charitable and salaried experience. For more recommendations about, this, get in touch with your voluntary services manager and coordinator at your local NHS Trust. An additional way to get experience of this work is all the way through an apprenticeship. Schemes differ between NHS Trust, and in little places they might still be referred to as Cadet Schemes. They basically include clinical assignments and study towards Level 3 National Vocational Qualifications in Health. For more details on apprenticeship, you may log on to You can also get in touch with the home NHS Trust for information of schemes in your area. TRAINING DETAILS:- Once if you have started working as a radiography assistant, you will generally get the training on the job form your employer. You can also be supported to work toward the National Vocational Qualifications in Health (Level 3) which comprise of units specific to radiography support work. If you have an experience, you can apply for the position of the assistant practitioner and take a foundation degree in the subject like oncology and radiography practice. This can give you admission to year two of a degree primary to registration as a radiographer (this can be completed as a part of the secondment, with economic support from your employer). As an assistant practitioner, you can join the College and Society of Radiographer, which will give you review to networking chances and expert enlargement activities. SKILLS and KNOWLEDGE:- outstanding communication and management skills aptitude to give assurance to the patients who are worried ability to deal with the people of all backgrounds and ages keenness in science precision and awareness to particulars ability to work in team and on own initiatives an understanding of health and safety guidelines endurance and understanding SALARY AND OTHER BENEFITS:- Radiography assistant can be paid from $ 13,500 to $ 18,500 each year. Assistant practitioner can make up to around $ 21,500. WORKING CONDITIONS:- You will basically be working for more than 38 hours in a week as a full-time assistant. Part-time hours and job allocation chances are also frequently accessible. This work might be sensitively and physically challenging as you will be working with the patients with a variety of health conditions. You will wear protective clothing like x-ray apron, while working with these machines. You will be based in the outpatient's clinics or hospital radiography section. DIFFERENT OPPORTUNITIES:- You will find many jobs with the NHS. You can also work in private clinics and hospitals. As an assistant practitioner or radiography assistant, if you are skilled and experience and have a support from your employer, you will be studying recreational to become skilled radiographer. For additional suggestion and recommendations, see the Health Professions Council and Society and College of Radiographer websites.
There are 2 types of radiography-
As a diagnostic radiographer, your duties will be:
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As a therapeutic radiographer, your duties will be:
Both areas (diagnostic or therapeutic) of radiography comprise working as part of multidisciplinary team along with radiologists, physicists, clinical oncologists, radiology nurses and other health care professional.
For becoming a radiographer you need a degree which is permitted by the Health Professions Council (HPC). Before making an application, you have to settle on whether you wish to work in therapeutic radiography or diagnostic radiography, as they are diverse disciplines. You can make a contact with your local NHS Trust and make an appointment to radiotherapy center or radiography department to make a choice.
To get on to the degree in therapeutic or diagnostic radiography you will generally require 5 GCSEs information, including 3 'A' levels (comprising science). Get in touch with the course providers for appropriate entry requirements because substitute qualifications like Right of Entry to Higher Education course might also be acknowledged.
If you are a graduate or health professional with pertinent 1st degree, you may meet the criteria in radiography by finishing a (pre-registration) post graduate Masters or Diploma qualification. Check the website of HPC for information of recognized courses.
Many places on standard courses are subsidized by the NHS. Check the website of NHS Students Bursaries for more information.
An unusual route into radiography is to being as radiography assistant and works in your way up to assistant practitioner. At practitioner level, you will get the support of your manager to study recreational for a degree and professional qualification as a radiographer.
Once you get the radiography degree, you will merge academic study with clinical assignments in confined hospitals and diagnostic/therapy units. The courses are basically for 3 years (full-time or part time).
Your employer will support you to take additional part-time professional postgraduate training in subjects like:
You can also specialize as a sonographer or ultrasonographer, which comprise of meeting the criteria in radiography and then finishing a one year post registration course which is permitted by the Consortium for Accreditation of Sonographic Education (CASE). See the website of Society of Radiographer for more information.
All through your career you will be anticipated to maintain current knowledge about the development in your field, and participate in a program of CPD through the Society of Radiographers.
You will generally work around 38 hours every week, which might include unsocial hours and shifts.
As a diagnostic radiographer, you will mostly be based in the department of hospital radiography. You can also work in, for instance, outpatient's clinics, operating, accidents and emergency theaters.
As a therapeutic radiographer, you will work in a specially equipped radiotherapy or oncology unit/center.
You will have to wear a uniform and if you concentrating in diagnostic radiography, you will also have to wear defensive clothing when performing certain events. This work can be challenging.
As per the Society of Radiographer, in 2007, 90 percent of the radiography graduates started their jobs in first 3 months of qualifying and in 2008, 82 percent of the graduates got the job organized after graduation (check the SoR website for more information).
You will get the job opportunities in NHS hospitals, radiotherapy centers and clinics. You might also work in community health care team, armed forces, and private hospitals or in sports clubs (for instance, making use of ultrasound to assess injuries).
With experience and knowledge, you can progress to sonography specialist, radiography team leader or consultant. You can also take additional training and qualification focus in the area like counseling or analgesic care, the use of certain methods or equipment, working with particular patients groups, or teaching and research.
Check out latest sample of radiologic technician for your corresponding career.
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