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Radiography Assistant Careers

Radiography Assistant Careers

Resume Sample » Career Guide » Medical Technology Careers » Radiography Assistant Careers


The radiography assistants are also called as imaging support workers. They assist the skilled radiographer with their everyday duties and responsibilities. The duties and responsibilities of the radiography assistant frequently include:

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Your tasks can also involve processing the images of the film and dealing with sanitation in the department.


You will not require any particular qualification to become a radiography assistant. Though, you will require an excellent general standard of education and several employers might prefer you to have 4 or even more GCSEs which includes the subjects like Science, Mathematics and English. Check with your home NHS Trust for detailed suggestion.

It will be helpful if you have a charitable and salaried experience. For more recommendations about, this, get in touch with your voluntary services manager and coordinator at your local NHS Trust.

An additional way to get experience of this work is all the way through an apprenticeship. Schemes differ between NHS Trust, and in little places they might still be referred to as Cadet Schemes. They basically include clinical assignments and study towards Level 3 National Vocational Qualifications in Health. For more details on apprenticeship, you may log on to www.apprenticeship.org.uk. You can also get in touch with the home NHS Trust for information of schemes in your area.


Once if you have started working as a radiography assistant, you will generally get the training on the job form your employer. You can also be supported to work toward the National Vocational Qualifications in Health (Level 3) which comprise of units specific to radiography support work.

If you have an experience, you can apply for the position of the assistant practitioner and take a foundation degree in the subject like oncology and radiography practice. This can give you admission to year two of a degree primary to registration as a radiographer (this can be completed as a part of the secondment, with economic support from your employer).

As an assistant practitioner, you can join the College and Society of Radiographer, which will give you review to networking chances and expert enlargement activities.




You will basically be working for more than 38 hours in a week as a full-time assistant. Part-time hours and job allocation chances are also frequently accessible.

This work might be sensitively and physically challenging as you will be working with the patients with a variety of health conditions. You will wear protective clothing like x-ray apron, while working with these machines.

You will be based in the outpatient's clinics or hospital radiography section.


You will find many jobs with the NHS. You can also work in private clinics and hospitals.

As an assistant practitioner or radiography assistant, if you are skilled and experience and have a support from your employer, you will be studying recreational to become skilled radiographer. For additional suggestion and recommendations, see the Health Professions Council and Society and College of Radiographer websites. #!/usr/bin/perl use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; open(LATEST, "footer_career.txt"); @bnr_all = ; close(LATEST); print "@bnr_all\n"; exit;