Web Editor Careers |
Work Environment:
Web editors write down, research and check text, pictures and other-media published on website of employer. For instance, they may maintain multimedia service of a news organization, website of college, or regional authority public-information pages.
Being a web editor, your tasks can comprise:
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
open(LATEST, "aroj_mid.txt");
@bnr_all =
Qualification, Education and Experience:
You could gain entry to this profession in different ways. You might have an experience/background into IT, journalism or marketing, or probably into field the site is intended for, such as sport/education. You can begin as a web/online editorial assistant, and then advance to web editor position.
Generally, you'd necessitate experience of content-writing into some format. Creating your published-work's portfolio is helpful for demonstrating writing abilities to companies/employers.
You could gain experience of writing by many ways:
Generally, you don't require any particular knowledge of web-authoring software. Though, you might discover skills into digital imaging, web design and desktop publishing would increase your opportunities, since several jobs merge design with writing-work.
For further details regarding web-accessibility standards, check the website of W3C (World Wide-Web Consortium).
Training Details:
Normally, you'd get training by your company on topics given as below:
If you've a degree, you can acquire postgraduate-course at university. These training courses comprise electronic publishing and online journalism.
Skills and knowledge:
Salary and Other Benefits:
Working Conditions:
You'd work weekly for around 36 to 41 hours, on weekdays. Sometimes, you might be required to work overtime to accomplish targets.
You'd work at computer-workstation. There can be outdoors tasks, e.g. interview persons for features, visit clients or research data.
Different Opportunities:
You can discover work chances within organization which gives online-services, or creates and develops own site. Openings are publicized by regional and nationwide press, and online.
If experienced, you can proceed to information resource-management or production editor team-management positions. You can work on self employed basis.
By additional training and qualifications, you can advance to associated fields, like public relations, marketing, website development or training.
Along with this career guidance, refer the pages like proofreader resume writing, example of publicist and translator career resume samples.
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
open(LATEST, "footer_career.txt");
@bnr_all =
Based on company size, you might work within a team or by yourself with public relations and marketing staff, and web developers.
You can acquire a training course to train you with some skills which are required for this job. Related subjects comprise marketing, PR, journalism, communications, publishing and media. Few companies might want you to hold a degree, or similar experience.
You can improve your editing abilities by taking short-courses, which includes particular areas of this work. You could select from several training course providers, or professional organizations, such as SfEP (Society of Editors and Proofreaders), and NUJ (National-Union of Journalist). These organizations provide courses comprising copy editing, proofreading, editing, and writing for web.